By now, I am sure you are very aware of the devastation Haiti is going through. I am asking for each of you to help in some form. If you are not able to go there and help, please send a donation. Any amount will help and be appreciated.
Sisters of Honor has also been helping out a family here in Georgia who were victims of a fire and lost everything they own. It really saddens my heart to know others who are supplied with food, shelter and clothing and don't even offer to help and that includes leaders. How do you really expect for the people to step up when they see a leader sitting back and staying quiet? That really bothers me. If you have the daily living essentials, that is a blessing in itself. I don't know about you, but I thank God for the things I do have. Your situation could always be worse.
I have encountered on a couple of occasions where someone will act as though there is nothing for them to do. My question to you is, "what if you were in a situation where you needed help"? I strongly believe you would be expecting for anyone to come to your aid.
You were not blessed to look down on others. You are blessed to be a blessing. Be careful of your words and actions because God knows all. You can not hide the truth from Him. It is more of a blessing to give than to receive.
If you have to, use the money you were going to spend on your Extra Value Meal, Cappuccino, Entertainment etc. and donate to a good cause.
It's time to re-evaluate what's more important.
Why do you think some people believe they will never need help?
Please continue to pray for those less fortunate because it could be you.