This is a Christian Women Blog. Therefore, for any post to even be considered it must fall within True Christian Values and Guidelines within the Word of God. Sisters of Honor Ministries is dedicated to encouraging, empowering and educating women to become the woman God has called them to be.
Blog Content:
• Must be Guest Poster’s Original work.
• ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM! When quoting someone, YOU MUST site your source appropriately.
• Please keep your submission between 250-700 words.
• Post cannot be published anywhere else online.
• Please proofread your entire post before submitting.
• Absolutely No product reviews or promotion.
• No more than 2 links per article including the Author Byline.
• Include at least one image.
• Must relate to the post content.
• If the image is not yours, YOU MUST credit the source.
Editing: Sisters of Honor reserve the right to edit your content where we deem necessary to ensure it stays within our values.
Distributing: Your post will be shared through the many different avenues of Sisters of Honor. Twitter, Facebook, etc. We ask that you share the link to your post on any Social Media Networks you have.
**Also include a brief two sentence bio and one link to go along with your post.
Thank you for being a part of our community.