I am excited about some changes that will be taking place within Sisters of Honor Ministries. I would like to announce that S.O.H will begin hosting
GIVEAWAYS here on the blog.
So, if you have any products (books, cds, dvds, conference tickets,jewelry,scarves, etc.)that will be beneficial to another woman, please contact us.
Also, we are looking to host a guest blogger for this blog as well.
The Radio Show is gearing back up to host some shows to empower, encourage,and organize the lives of our sisters in Christ.
Please pray about these opportunities and if the Lord leads you to one of these areas or He may give you another avenue to bless someone through this ministry don't hesitate to contact us.
I am so excited!!! Don't be surprised if you receive an email asking you to be apart of the Radio Show, Blog or any other resource Sisters of Honor has to offer.
REMEMBER: We are blessed to be a blessing.
*We reserve the right to turn down any opportunity that does not line up with the vision of Sisters of Honor Ministries.