I would have to say that this past weekend was a trial for me. The devil was busy starting Friday. Now I was really upset and wanted to respond but I knew that was the enemy trying to get me off track. I knew I had something for the enemy. I pick up the bible and got into the word. I went to bed feeling much better about the situation. On Saturday I was thinking about how the devil tried me, but I was still praising God and giving Him glory.
Well Sunday at church the Pastor was talking about releasing the chains. During the entire service, I was so happy because I knew that message was for me. I had allowed the enemy to get to me because I had not released the person and things that was causing me to get so upset. Just so you know the enemy reared it's ugly head again Sunday evening. Guess what? I did not get mad or upset. I began speaking to that situation. I have truly turned it over to God.
I'm happy to say
My Chains Are Gone!!!!Is there something holding you back or causing you to get upset? Whatever it is I ask you to release it now.
In Christ,
Deaconess Aretha