Sisters of Honor had the pleasure of Interviewing our March Sister in the Spotlight Author Kennisha Hill on S.O.H Radio Show. I must say that it was a GREAT interview and there was an enormous amount of positive feedback.
It's always nice to see what God in doing in someone else's life. I must say that God is really blessing her with her writing abilities. It was nice to hear Kennisha state that her writings will always be biblically based and spiritually influenced. Thanks for not compromising. Whatever gift God has given you, please use it to glorify Him.
While on the show, Kennisha also mentioned she is already working on another book. I'm looking forward to it also. (yes!)
Kennisha has written:
"Uncovered" along with her previous releases are available on Amazon.
***Please visit her website and Pre-Order Uncovered and to read an excerpt from the first two chapters.
Remember: Those who were on the call were entered into a Giveaway to receive Mrs. Hill's upcoming release "Uncovered" in April. The winner will be announced as soon as the book is available.
Click the link below to hear the entire interview.
Sisters of Honor is Supporting Our Sisters!!!!

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