Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011

I received this in an email from one of my dear sister friends and wanted to share with my other sisters.
To our nature, spiritual, and friend sisters you are wonderful and we are thankful for your light in our lives!
God created us. He knows all about the special bond we share with other women - especially women in the Sisterhood by blood, by friendship, and by faith.
On our life's journey when your biological sister(s) are not close at hand and we needed more support than a phone call, we know we could always rely on an adopted sisters and what a blessing an loving caring adopted sister is. God provided us with special sisters for each and every path in our journey. So, thank you sisters appointed for the journey may God richly bless you.
Salutation Sisters - those who made you feel at home.
Serving Sisters - those who serve with you.
Faith-filled Sisters- those who share the love and Word of God with you.
Singing Sisters - those who join their voices with you in worship and praise.
Suffering Sisters - those who share in your sorrows, hurts, and comfort you as they walk with you.
Writing Sisters - those who help keep your creative juices flowing.
Fun Sisters - those who make every day an adventure.
Sanctifying Sisters - those who encourage and strengthen each other.
To you my sisters and to the sisters you are to others may the LORD GOD shower you in his love, light, and life.

Friday, October 14, 2011
Fall in Line Friday for "All The Single Ladies - Saved, Single and Waiting" Featuring Well Watered Woman

Today's word is for "All The Single Ladies - Saved, Single and Waiting". It's time to fall in line with the Word of God. This is a powerful call packed with some great information by our Sister in the Spotlight for this month and the Founder of Well Watered Woman Mrs. Tony Robinson. She is bringing you the word and it is surely going to get you on the right track if you take notes and follow along with what the Holy Spirit was speaking through her.
"It's time to be led by the Holy Ghost and not the holy guess." via Tony Robinson

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Spread Your Wings and Arise
We feel much like
A flower struggling to bloom
We go through those times
Of change and growth
Like a caterpillar in a cocoon
Nobody can see
The Lord’s hidden work
Until the day we break through
Then we can begin
To spread out our wings
And arise as butterflies do
God has a much higher
Calling for us
And wants us to rise up in Him
We can make such a difference
If we’d only realize
The potential we have within
So allow the Lord
To work in your life
To make you all you can be
So you will one day
Be able to soar
And know what it means to be ‘FREE’
© By M.S.Lowndes

Monday, October 3, 2011
Music Monday

I wanted to give you some inspiration to begin your week. I pray this song blesses you as it does me every time I hear it. Have a Blessed Week.

Saturday, October 1, 2011
October S.i.S: Sister in the Spotlight

We are pleased to announce this Dynamic Woman of God as our October Sister in the Spotlight!!! She brings a wealth of knowledge and joy to those who know her. If you are not familiar with this sister, you definitely need to come into contact with her. You will not be disappointed. Please meet one of my dear sister/friends Mrs. Tony Robinson.
Tony is wife of 20 years to the love of her life, Reggie. She is also mom to their four beautiful and gifted children each walking out God’s purpose for their lives. She is a minister, devotional writer and God-Mom to some pretty amazing kids. She’s is founder of Well Watered Woman; a global ministry dedicated to encouraging, enriching and empowering women in their walks with the Lord. Being radically changed, healed and delivered by Gods amazing grace and love; she is passionate about seeing women walk in all that God has destined for them.
As a speaker, Tony is a woman of vision and purpose who delivers the word of God with passion, transparency, humor and authority. Through her walk of transparency and availability she connects with people and draws them to the Father. Her mission is to leave an indelible mark for Christ everywhere she teaches and speaks.
Her passions include: her family, reading, traveling, Lay’s potato chips and an occasional ice cold Pepsi.
Well Watered Woman began as a blog about one woman's journey with God and the lessons she's learning along the way. As Tony blogged about her life and walk with the Lord, she found other women relating to her posts and being strengthened in their journeys with the King. As more women stumbled upon the Well, it became an oasis. A refuge and resting place where women came to be encouraged, renewed, and refreshed in their walks with the lord. As a result, Well Watered Woman has grown into a dynamic international ministry touching and impacted the lives of women globally. With a vision to touch the lives of women for God at all levels, Well Watered Woman introduced Well Watered Woman Teen Ministry. WWWT is a ministry just for girls ages 13-18 who are committed to go growing in God’s grace. They are phenomenal young women of the Word striving to live their lives in such a way that they take their generation for Christ.
Tony is also a co-owner of The Popcorn Folks, their gourmet chocolate popcorn company created and founded by her four children. The Popcorn Folks has grown from 2 flavors to a menu that now includes over 10 varieties of flavored popcorn. We ship our popcorn nationwide and look forward to shipping an order to you!
Finding Balance:
Balance what exactly would that be? LOL Balance comes by realizing your priorities. (God, husband, children and everything else.) We have to always be mindful and diligent with our time and what we are investing it into. When we see an area getting out of balance, we have to make immediate changes. Otherwise, our lives become out of control.
Favorite Scripture:
I can't say I have a favorite scripture per say because I just love the word of God so much.
Favorite Quote:
It all works out in the end, if it hasn't worked our it's not the end.
You can also join Well Watered Woman on their 2012 Women of Destiny Conference Cruise on May 14-19 2012.