Lighthouses were created with a purpose.
Lighthouses symbolize safety, guidance & integrity.
Lighthouses provide hope & vision.
Lighthouses exist because storms & darkness exists.
Lighthouses are a perfect example of . . . . . Clarissa Johnson
Clarissa is an ordained Minister, Motivational Speaker and Inspirational Life Coach. She is a native of Thomson, Georgia and currently resides in Savannah, Georgia with her husband and two daughters.
Given a lighthouse as a gift by a friend, revealed her true purpose in life—to be a source of light in dark situations. She provides guidance, support, hope and vision to the world through her teachings and is affectionately loved by those who come in contact with her.
Through her willingness and obedience, Clarissa has embarked upon a new journey as author. Although it was never her dream, she embraced the challenge and now ministers from real true life experiences in her books and blogs. She allows her life to be put on display as an example for others to learn by. “I am really not the author, but just an instrument used by God to write the stories He wants told.”- Clarissa
Regarding my blog and ministry-
Once I understood my purpose, everything started falling into place. Everything that I do or involve myself with has to in some way resemble the lighthouse. My blog is entitled, A Light of Hope Inspirations, as a way to provide hope or light to everyday situations we face as people. My ministry doesn’t really have a start date; it was always here, it just took me a minute to realize my place and my purpose in the Kingdom. However, I was originally licensed in 2005, and later ordained as an Elder in 2007. As an Elder, I can minister to the whole body of Christ, but my passion and heart is women ministries.
Regarding my book-
God was the inspiration behind Sleeping With The Enemy. The book is about a woman who struggles to stay in an abusive marriage for the sake of being saved and not wanting to displease the Lord. That was me! He always seems to amaze me with the messages he leads me to share. I have noticed that in my book as well as my blogs, He uses my life experiences as a way to teach and minister to others. As far as the process in writing the book, it was difficult because it caused me to relive some very hurting situations in my life that I would rather had not revisited. However in the end, I was able to pull from those dark periods in life and watch God put together a message that will restore many marriages, heal many broken hearts, and push people closer to God. So at the end of the day, my life is not my own, but to Him I belong, I give myself to Him to use however He see fit.
For autographed copies, order via my website at It can also be ordered via
Amazon or
Barnes &Noble.
As far as the future is concerned, I do plan to write more books. I am actually preparing to write a new book entitled, Answers To A Prayer. This story will tell a story about a prayer that was sent up and although the prayer was answered, it didn’t come the way the person expected it to come.
After reading my book, it is my prayer that the readers will leave with a sense of hope, healing, and a stronger faith in God.
My favorite scriptures are:
1 John 5:14-15- And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.- KJV
Romans 8:28- And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. – NLT
Ephesians 3:20- Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.- KJV
To learn more about Clarissa, visit her website at and the opportunity to read the first three chapters of
Sleeping With The Enemy.
Thank you Clarissa for being obedient and sharing your story. I'm sure your book will be a blessing to many.