Beloved friends, don't be so consumed by your PAST PAIN, that you miss out on your PRESENT & FUTURE BLESSINGS! Oh, I understand you've been hurt my friend; I know you have been betrayed, rejected and cast aside by those who claimed to have loved you. I get that you have been lied on, the center of gossip, spit on, trampled upon, ostracized and criticized. I feel your pain because I have experienced all of those things to; and so has EVERYONE else to one degree or another! But we cannot use the PAST as a weapon against those people or circumstances God has placed in our lives TODAY- or we will CONTINUE the downward cycle! We have got to STOP using the PAST as a STUMBLING BLOCK, and instead CHOOSE to use it as a STEPPING STONE which leads us closer to the CHIEF CORNERSTONE (Jesus!) **WE HAVE TO STOP ALLOWING THE PAST TO KEEP US IN BONDAGE WHEN THROUGH CHRIST, WE HAVE BEEN MADE FREE!** Stop RESURRECTING that which GOD has long ago LAID TO REST! So many of us are so busy LOOKING BACK on what we LOST or NEVER HAD (that we longed for); that we are MISSING OUT on what is RIGHT NOW, RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES! And by that same token, don't be so consumed by the GOOD either, that you miss out on the even GREATER things God has in store! Somebody better read about Lot's wife! Selah.... ~Minister LaTanya Scott~
{Genesis 19:17, 26}- So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, “Escape for your life! DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.” 26 But his wife LOOKED BACK from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
{Philippians 3:13-14}- Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND and REACHING FORWARD TO THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE AHEAD, 14 I PRESS TOWARD the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Copyright © 2012
LaTanya Scott
Women Arise Ministries/Founder

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