I will begin by saying that I have felt like giving up so many times, but I know that I have an assignment that I must complete. When I knew that I was to begin a Women Ministry, I did not want to do it. I wondered why did He choose me of all people. I felt that I would not be good enough.
I will tell you a little about Sisters Of Honor Women Ministry. It began almost 1 year ago as an online ministry. S.O.H. focus is to encourage, empower, and edify all women through the word of God. There are alot of lonely and hurting women seeking help on many different levels. All have endured some type of pain.
Today I must say that I was overjoyed with emotions from some of the women who are apart of Sisters Of Honor. When you have women who have been misused and abused in any form, it is difficult for them to let go and open up to someone and ask for help. It takes alot of courage for some to ask for help or admit they need help.
Over the past few days I have noticed a good number of them opening up and asking for help. I knew at that moment that I could not give up and that I was where God wants me to be at this time. I immediately thought, what if I have give up and quit. Where would these ladies be or who would they have gone to and been open and honest about their situation?
They have helped me in ways that I could never have imagined. While I am there to help them, I am also being encouraged. I receive strength from them as I pray they are receiving from me.
You never know who you may be called to help, but that very person may also be the one to help you.
To visit Sisters Of Honor website http://www.sistersofhonor.org
Please share your testimony. If God has been good to you, let the world know.
Peace and Blessings!

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