Courtney from Women Living Well has came up with a challenge for women to be the woman your man needs.
The following is a schedule of what the topic is for the given week.
June 7 - announce to your readers you are participating by posting the button on your site and leaving your link below. Optional: Embed the HTML from this video in your blog post!
June 14 – Post Pictures from your dating days (or tell us all about it!). Think about one thing you used to do or have as a couple that you have lost in the shuffle of life. How can you regain it?
June 21 - Remember Your Vows - post pictures of your wedding day. We will review the sacredness of this day.
June 28 - Ask your husband every morning how you can pray for him that day. Bonus: Fast and pray for him one day this week.
July 5 - Admire Your Husband. Write this post and then show it to him! He will smile!
July 12 - Make a list of 5 things you currently do and ask him to prioritize them for you of what is important to him. For example - a clean home, home cooked dinner, coupon clipping, service at church, having friends over for dinner, watching/doing sports with him, etc.
July 19 - Make him a priority. Ask him what his favorite dinner, dessert and drink are. Be sure to serve him all three one night this week. Bonus: cook his favorite dishes all week long!
July 26 - Support his vision. Discuss his vision for your family. Where does he see your family in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Share with us how you let your husband lead.
August 2 - R-E-S-P-E-C-T! No complaining, criticizing, rolling your eyes, nagging, or giving him any friction this week. Enjoy a week of peace in your home!
August 9 - Kiss Him Like You Mean It (and be sure the door is locked!)
Be sure to stop by and visit and join us in the challenge.
I had the pleasure of having Elder Leon Ruffin as Guest Speaker on S.O.H Radio Show and I must say that his message was indeed a blessing. The Topic "Where are You" was so fitting because this is a subject I think many need to hear. This message is not only for men but for women as well. We could all learn something from this.
Talk a listen and prayerfully this will be a blessing to you.
It was 19 years ago that God allowed you to enter into my life. I remember that day just like it was yesterday. You are truly a gift from God and I am honored to be able to call you daughter. I have watched you grow from a baby into a young lady.