Morning Beloved,
If you have been driving a while and have run into some car troubles your vehicle has probably presented you with the "Check Engine" light! Everyone knows when the that light comes on you don't go and see no penny annie mechanic you probably have to take it into the dealership. That's the price of luxury!
Just recently the check engine light had come on in my truck and my husband and I sent it to our trusty mechanic. Unfortunately, he couldn't help us with this type of problem because he doesn't have the tools that Cadillac has to identify what cliches were in our system. Although we dread going to the dealership b/c they are going to hit our heads financially this is what's required when you choose luxury.
You beloved are luxury! You are the workmanship of his hands, HIS Hands!!!! Think on that and then start shouting! With you being such an awesome work anybody can't work on you! Sometimes spiritually our "CHECK ENGINE" lights are on and are indicators that we need to seek his face and enter into his presence for a while. I remember finding my peace interrupted, or I might start fussing, become easily irritated, or get to backsliding a bit, or maybe even depressed... these are all "Check Engine" lights blinking in the spirit realm telling you come on to the manufacture to get diagnostic and the problem resolved!
In the spirit the Engine represents our hearts. Our heart is the thing that runs our thoughts, our words, and determines out actions. The Bible says this about the heart (Our Engines)Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). and it also states in Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it. Our Engines are important and High Maintenance. When we take our hearts to God he places in on the DIAGNOSTIC machine (PLACES UNDER THE WORD) to X-Ray and see where the vehicle is not meeting it's intended standards. Once the diagnostic is made according to the word The manufacture is able to tell you what condition is causing problem indicating lights to flash... whether it's jealousy,laziness,depression, oppression, the list goes on and on.
In his presence lies the fix all for your check engine problem! What areas has their been an indicator that you need more than just a tune up? God is waiting and there is no line to wait in b/c he does all things well in decency and in order. Now you may find it to be a bit pricey because the price you will pay is with your time and self denial. However if you are willing to pay, you can send the light packing and you will be on the road again in no time. Don't ride around on a faulty system when the lover of your soul is willing to fix it ensuring you a smooth and safe ride through this life!!!
Love you all,
Armetria M Charles
You can find more information regarding Mrs. Charles by visiting her website.

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