Co-founder, Facilitator, Minister, Speaker, Writer, of
Legacy Tree Ministries
Brief Background on Minister Robin Shockley:
Robin Shockley is a part time employee in the corporate world but a full time servant to her family and ministry. She is the Co-Founder of Legacy Tree Ministries where she is devoted to communicate the truth of God's word in a way that will draw women into a love relationship with Jesus. Robin is passionate about encouraging a woman to see her worth, her value and her importance as a power of Godly influence in today's world. She does this by speaking at conferences and retreats as well as the small intimate settings of bible study. She desires to trigger the mind to think and focus on all the possibilities that God has for His people. She enjoys teaching women the importance to be real with yourself before you can be real with anyone else. She feels it's time to forget the past and press forward with new beginnings. She and her husband Gene are Elders and Robin serves as a Mentor to women under the Mentor program at their church Redemption World Outreach Center in Greenville SC. She is active in the community with various programs and other ministries. Robin has received her ministry ordination through Redemption Ministerial Fellowship International and she in the process of having the Legacy Ladies mentoring documents copyrighted. She has spent the last five years with other women training them for mentoring and leadership. Robin enjoys writing, taking trips and spending time with family. She has been married for 22 years and she resides in Greenville SC with her family whom she has the privilege to serve with in ministry. She is a true example of a woman who was changed from a "boxed in" religion mindset to a God given personal relationship with our heavenly Father. Robin also coordinates outreach events in her community representing Girls gifted 4 God, which is a branch ministry connected to Legacy Tree Ministries. She and her daughter organize functions to help educate women about the inner beauty and that each one has a unique gift given by God for a purpose.
Overview of Robin’s Testimony:
I am the legacy of a teen pregnancy. My mother was 17 yrs old when she gave birth to me and for years I struggled with rejection from my biological father because he left when I was less than a year old. Though I grew up in a loving home with a wonderful family and was fully accepted by all whom I made contact with, the enemy trapped me into believing I had to strive to be “perfect” to be accepted by God since my birth father did not want me. Though outwardly I was smiling, inside I was dying. I had no identity. I remember in 3rd grade writing on a piece of paper " I hate myself" on every blank area of that paper during class while the teacher was speaking. I covered my emotions up so well by putting demands of control on my family. I carried this rejection into my marriage. After a few years into my marriage, I took some sleeping pills hoping to not wake up the next morning but God had a plan. I fought so hard to have a perfect life, it caused me to almost lose everything because of that. I did not understand "life happens" and you have to deal with it by leaning on and trusting God. This identity crisis finally broke in chaos when I swayed from my family and turned to the world's lifestyle. I was manipulated by the excitement of not having to be perfect and live free. What I did not understand was I really wasn't experiencing true freedom. A little over 7 years ago, I found out I was anemic. That was about the time God began speaking to my spirit about the woman with the issue of blood. She did all she could do to get to the hem of Jesus garment to receive her healing. I felt like this woman. I knew not only was I physically sick, I was spiritually and emotionally sick. I had been to church all my life, but I was so "boxed in" by religion I did not know what true freedom meant. Until, God spoke to me in church one day that he can restore my soul unto HIS salvation by repenting to receive a pure and clean heart. At that moment, I realized I could be fully healed. Later that week while driving the Lord showed me a vision that was so clear that he hated my sin, but he loved me, despite all my imperfections. That day was a stepping stone to real freedom. And I've never looked back since.
Today, my family is restored and we serve in ministry together because I made a choice to stand in the gap. I refused to let the enemy of my mind win. Legacy Tree Ministries started out as writings of visions, dreams and devotions that God gave me over the course of 20 something years to leave behind as a legacy for my family. But three years ago he spoke to me in the middle of the night that this legacy will spread and it will not be for just my generational line. We now have several branches of the ministry where different members of my family reach out to others through singing, speaking and writing. God's hand has been on me even before I was born and as Jeremiah 29:11 says, He knew the plans and it was to do good and to bring me a future - a future to share and testify that real freedom reigns in relationship with Christ and not in religion. Psalm 145:4 "one generation shall command your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts". Today I am a testimony and I am declaring His mighty acts with all who I come in contact with. Just recently God has called my husband and I to serve the community we grew up in. Our hearts desire is to do more for individuals through mentoring families such as providing a place for teaching and training for them to build their own legacy life.
Robin's Favorite Bible Verses and Quotes:
The task ahead of you is never as great as the power within you.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13
But if you look at me closely, you will see in my eyes, this girl will always
find her way.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Restoration with God is multiplication. He not only restores you, but he multiplies you. ~ Apostle Ron Carpenter Jr.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:3
I like to leave you with the thought to close your eyes and imagine who you desired to be as a little girl. Maybe you dreamed of being a teacher, a singer, or a nurse. I encourage you to write these memories down and ask God steps you can take to bring this dream alive again in your heart. You dream is not dead, it is only sleeping. Arise o sleeper and take up your bed and walk it out! The best is yet to come and you have a destiny designed just for you to impact your world!
You can learn more about the ministry vision God has birthed in me by contacting me at robin@legacytreeministries or either on my family website www.legacytreeministries.com. Legacy Tree Ministries & Girls gifted 4 God are both on FACEBOOK.
Thank you so much Minister Robin Shockley for being transparent and giving us words of encouragement.Your heart for God really shines through. The seeds you have sown is sure to reap a harvest. May God continue to pour blessings upon you and your ministries.

This was very encouraging! Thank Aretha and Robin.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed Delonda! I have a testimony that I left out of my story, I now have a wonderful relationship with my biological father! I was able to spend Fathers Day with him for the first time last year in California! We should never stop hoping, beleiving,dreaming. God has a way to make every girls dream come true if we trust Him! My dream was to find my identity in my true Father, Jesus Christ... and He gave me that along with a new relationship with my natural dad too! What a bonus!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by DeLonda.
ReplyDeleteRobin thank you once again for sharing. God is so good! You are right. We must continue to have faith. This shows how God does indeed answers our prayers.
Never give up!
He is always on time!!!