Good Morning Sisters of Honor,
I woke up this morning with something pressing in my spirit. You see, I had gotten my feelings hurt deeply by someone who was suppose to be my friend. I tossed and turned thinking about this situation, this betrayal throughout the night. I wanted my peace while my flesh wanted to react like only the flesh could react...foolishly. With all of these knots in my stomach I could barley stay focused when I ask myself "Have you spent enough time in God's presence with this situation?" the answer was No! I had not spend enough time at all. I simply mention it to the Lord in complaint and left it there. Well that's not what God nor my situations was requiring. Holy Spirit hovered over me never leaving nor forsaking me as I was in agony. It grieved him that I had not brought it to him and look to him to be my counselor/comforter or to love me back to good health.
After going to loddie, dottie, and everybody I still found NO RELIEF. Some situations nobody but God can counsel you for he is the great counselor. I finally decided that I was going to cry before the Lord with this thing and, I did. The spirit of the most high lead me to 1Corinthians 13. I immediately felt every hole in my heart being filled with love. All of the hurt, disappointment, shame, and guilt I was feeling was OVERWHELMED by LOVE. So with that being said I am free from all hurt this morning and a walking talking vessel for LOVE.
Beloved it is God's will that you are walking in peace and that you are more than ok. Daddy is hurt when you are hurt and you have not allowed him to heal that hurt. Some of you may not have peace due to various circumstances well Father wants to speak PEACE being still in your life and fill you with spiritual Vitamins of peace. Your vitamin is the WORD of GOD! What vitamin is deficient in your life? If it's anger you're feeling fill yourself up on scriptures of love and peace!
The word says perfect love cast out all fear.... don't fear because you my friend are being perfected in LOVE!
Armetria M Charles

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