Exodus 20:3 (Amplified Bible) 3You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.
My friends, we have to STOP looking to other people or things to validate us! Whether it is our spouse, our children, our homes, our careers, etc.! We have to STOP looking to others to make us feel worthy and beautiful- or loved! It does NOT matter what anyone else thinks or says about us- ONLY what God says and thinks! STOP relying on people to make you happy! People are just that, 'people,' and they will let you down! Guaranteed! Whether it is intentional or not, it happens! And it usually happens because we are expecting them to be or say or do something that WE want! And when they won't or just can't, we feel let down and disappointed! We are hurt and angry and ready to call it quits!
Now I'm not saying that we are to put up with any and everything, accepting everything that a person does or says to us- NO WAY!!!!! But we can't expect anyone to take the place of God in our lives! We have to learn that no one is perfect and life isn't about US but God, and putting others first! No one can make us happy and truth be told, no one can MAKE us sad! We choose whether or not we allow someone or something to make us bitter or better!
STOP trying to please everybody! You cannot please all of the people all of the time! It is IMPOSSIBLE! You will drive yourself mad, trying to do so! You will have 50 people over 'here' agreeing and praising you, and another 50 over 'there' disagreeing and slandering you! So seek to please the Lord and then you will be guaranteed blessings and you will find favor with both Him and man!
STOP trying to explain yourself to everybody, all of the time! When you know you are trying to follow God and live accordingly, trust HIM to correct your course should you get off track! Don't allow anybody to criticize and condemn you based on their own personal views and extremely limited knowledge!
STOP trying to earn people's love and acceptance! If you have to 'be' and 'do' what someone else wants in order for them to love you, you are wasting your time! The flesh is never satisfied! No matter what you do, it won't ever be enough! That kind of 'love' is worldly and fleeting! It is conditional and so opposite of our Father's love! You want someone who will love you 'IN SPITE OF' and NOT 'BECAUSE OF!' Your Father doesn't make you work to get Him to love and accept you! No way! TRUE LOVE doesn't expect anything in return.. It is not self seeking! (1 Corinthians 13)
STOP worrying about what everyone else is doing- or not doing! You have enough troubles of your own! Get yourself in order first, and then maybe the Lord will use you more effectively in the lives of others!
Make sure you are where God has called YOU to be, and STOP comparing yourself to others! God made only ONE you! You are unique! You are beautiful! You are valuable! You are worthy! You are worth so much to God, that He sent His Son to die for you! (John 3:16) STOP allowing the enemy to make you believe you are anything less than who you are! THE APPLE OF YOUR FATHER'S EYE! You are a daughter of the King, so that makes you a PRINCESS! Live like it!

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