I'm LaTanya Scott, a married woman of God, with 3 beautiful children! I have an 18 year old son, and 14 and 5 year old daughters.
I am an Ordained Minister, as well as a Christian Counselor whose focus is geared more towards the marriage/family, as I have been through some things in my own relationships and feel that what I've learned, needs to be shared with others who may be going through what I went through! However, I have compassion and a word for anyone going through anything as I follow hard after the Spirit, and try to be obedient to the voice of God! I believe that He sends all those my way that He needs me to be a blessing to or to be blessed by. I also own a wholesale/retail business which I currently run from my home. However, the Lord has recently called me into full time ministry, so my focus is slowly moving away from this business in this season of my life.
The Lord has been opening up so many doors to me and closing many behind me! THANK YOU JESUS! I am just so open and have such a strong desire to fulfill the Lord's call on my life! I am so deeply in love with Jesus and I aspire to please Him in every single area of my life! No, that does NOT mean I am perfect, nor do I claim to be. But what that does mean is that I strive daily to grow closer and closer to Him...to become more and more like Him with each step that I take on this journey called 'life'. I want to be used by Him. I want to be blessed so that I might be a blessing to all who cross my path!
Women Arise!-Ministries:
It is from personal experience that I've learned that we as women tend to NOT trust one another! We often times have a habit of tearing one another down instead of building each other up! So the Holy Spirit placed it upon my heart back in late 2008, to begin a ministry for women. I heard Him clearly to speak to me:
Women Arise!-Ministries is a place where God can use to set the "captives" free! All of those bowed over will be raised up! All of those who are bound up will be RELEASED! Those in need of healing will be healed, those with dead marriages, dead finances, those who are at dead ends, will be resurrected and restored to life! Those who are broken down and defeated, will arise to new levels and realize they are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! Those who need a word, who need deliverance, companionship, compassion, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, discernment, whatever-WILL RECEIVE IT (I believe it) in the name of Jesus!
It is my sincerest prayer that through this ministry, God will reverse that 'trend,' and be a source of blessing to each and every member, and that we can all be open and honest with each other always. That if there is anyone in the ministry who doesn't know Christ, that they will come to know and love Him with all they are!
I believe that once we can arrive at a place where we can begin to trust one another and we grow in our walk with Christ, there will be NOTHING the enemy can do to us! There is power in numbers! It's time for us women to march right into Satan's camp and take back ALL he has stolen from us! It's time that we possess our rightful inheritances as children of God!
To Share A Bit More About Myself:
About a year ago, the Lord also led me to begin "FROM STRUGGLE 2 STRENGTH," which is an extension of "WOMEN ARISE!-MINISTRIES." It is a ministry for women as well as men. I basically have the same vision for "FS2S" as I do for "WAM." Right now, the Lord has me in a season of preparation. He is refilling and refreshing me; pouring so much new revelation into me, as He prepares to take me to my new level in HIM and in ministry. I am excited to share as He releases me to do so!
My Book:

I self published my first book titled, "FROM CATERPILLARS TO BUTTERFLIES: WOMEN ARISE!, in April of 2010. It is a devotional book for women, which also contains a couple of poems. Many years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, that I was to write (at the least) 3 books: a devotional book, a poetry book, and eventually the story of my life. I felt led to do the devotional book first, especially since I had already began writing devotionals and sharing them on Facebook, my website and blog. Many have been blessed by them and had began inquiring about my writing a book. So, that was confirmation to me that it was time and so I began! I thought it was going to be a difficult process for me, but I have always had the gift of expressing myself well and have been told that I have a 'way with words.' But I give GOD all of the glory as I know that it is HIM working in and through me..... I am just the vessel who speaks and write as I feel Him lead me!
I am currently working on my second book, which will be a book of short daily inspirational messages and quotes. I don't want to give too much away just yet; but God willing it will be published some time in 2012, so be on the look out for it!
Final Thoughts:
I would just like to end this with a word of encouragement for whoever reads this: I know that there are many things that the Lord has put in your spirit for you to do. Many promises that He's spoken to you, that you have yet to see fulfilled. I know it seems to be taking forever and may even look impossible! Oh, you wonder if maybe you have missed the blessing or if it was really God Who spoke the promises to you in the first place! I know many of your loved ones are laughing at you and telling you to give up and let it go! But let me remind you that God is not a man that He should lie! Whatever it is that God has promised you, He will bring to fruition! Maybe not in YOUR timing, but all things will manifest in HIS perfect timing! Don't get discouraged, my friend! Don't you dare give up hope! Do not pay attention to what you see in the 'natural,' as the natural is temporary and constantly changing; but focus instead on GOD Who is Spirit and Eternal- and always stays the same! God bless you!
Favorite Scripture:
{Psalm 139:13-18} - For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! 18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.

Women Arise Ministries
Women Arise Blog
Thank you LaTanya for being such a great gift to the Body of Christ. You are truly an Anointed Woman of God and I am pleased to call you a Sister/Friend.

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